Thursday, October 25, 2012

Is it even possible...

Is it possible to implement with fidelity:

Response to Intervention- RtI, personalized learning environments, Common Core State Standards- CCSS, professional content standards, the new educator evaluation system (complete with self-reflection, Student Learning Objectives-SLOs, Professional Growth Goals, Observations and Conferences), 1:1 or Bring Your Own Device- BYOD initiatives, Differentiated Instruction-DI, digital content, online learning, project based classrooms, advisory, guaranteed and viable curriculum, traditional & standards based report cards, Professional Learning Communities- PLCs,  Positive Behavioral Intervention Strategies- PBIS, flipped classrooms, blended classrooms, meaningful & ongoing professional development, interim assessments, common comprehensive assessments- CCAs, portfolio reviews, school wide rubrics, IEPs, 504s, dropout prevention programs, formative & summative assessments, common tasks, 330 minimum minutes of direct instruction a day (RI), multiple pathways, progress monitoring, state tests, Advanced Placement- AP exams, PSAT/SAT/ACTs, Senior Project... (plus many others that I am sure I have left off)

all the while working within the current structure (industrialization model) of schools?

However, if we start with a structure that, as Chris Lehmann spoke of at ISTE LF 2012, is based on student/teacher engagement in work that both groups find relevant, how many things in the list above occur organically and do not fall into the dreaded "one more thing" category?

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