Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Why Reform? Because You Can't Un-See...

  1. That schools can (but don't have to) kill creativity...
  2. That we are not alone... (Special thanks to @patrickmlarkin, @gcouros, @web20classroom, @JudyArzt, @NMHS_Principal, @MrChaceEGHS, #edchat, #edchatri, #cpchat & #1to1techat for the tools and support)  
  3. That intrinsic motivation trumps extrinsic...
  4. That A-F grades are not meaningful feedback and that alternatives exist...  &
  5. That a history lesson and a simple, deep, essential question can expose & help to change the outdated industrial model of education...
  6. That it is not the leader who decides if something is successful... 
  7. That technology CAN & WILL change everything...
  8. That failure is essential for building life long learning... &
  9. That being different is essential to being great...
  10. That there is more to the CCSS than meets the eye...

Not that you would want to, but what can you not "un-see"?

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