Thursday, April 30, 2015

Faculty Meeting Recipe- Data + "3 Rs" + Socrative

The following faculty meeting recipe was used to look at a wide array of data associated with a mid-year school wide survey during a one hour faculty meeting. It was implemented with the intention to collectively celebrate successes, challenge assumptions, and find solutions to issues raised by mid-year student feedback to a variety of questions.  

Necessary Ingredients:
  • Fantastic educators
  • School wide Data (We are using Panorama this year)
  • Socrative (Pre-heat by starting a short answer "Quick Question")
Step 1- Give educators access to student survey results ahead of time. 

Step 2- Have educators go to Socrative and login to the room as "Student"

Step 3- Present the first "R"- Revel. Have each educator put into Socrative a result that they are proud of and one way they believe they contribute to that positive result.

Step 4- Once everyone has participated in step 3, go into Socrative and "start vote". This awesome feature allows participants to read others short answers and vote for one they believe best "answers" the question.

Step 5- Display voting results. Discuss as needed.

Step 6- (Optional) Admin displays data that they "Revel" from mid-year teacher surveys.

Step 7- Initiate a new short answer "quick question" in Socrative for second "R": Reexamine- Ask participants to examine data and find one result that surprises and explain why it surprises. Repeat steps 4-7

Step 8- (Optional) Admin displays data that they identified as necessary to "Reexamine" from mid-year teacher surveys.

Step 9- Initiate a new short answer "quick question" in Socrative for third "R": Remedy- Ask participants to examine data and find one result that is unacceptable and share one idea to change it.

Step 10- Not optional: Admin displays feedback they received as feedback from teacher surveys that they see as unacceptable, and share one idea to change it.

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